After getting the 'van, we headed into town and enjoyed walking around. It's a tiny little dorp really with a nice big cathedral, a square, a vintage tram route, some lovely arty-crafty shops and of course a hoard of outdoor gear a-la-New-Zealand places. Really, I have never seen so many in my life ! Gary would be in heaven, in fact, Gary could make a whole career out of checking out their stock and supply chain.
We had lunch at the Tap Room - specialising in beer on tap and steaks. We tried the (brewed in Greytown, on the West Coast) Monteith's beers - Summer and Radler - and now we're hooked. The Summer variety was incredibly complex, I never thought I'd catch myself using vino-jargon on beers... Initially it was quite grassy and fresh, but then I was hit with a complex fresh seafood and fruit flavour. We've bought a six-pack of the Radler and drunk our way through most of it - yup, it's pretty good stuff.
Zack was getting tired at this point but we boarded a tram to do the little circuit around town. He behaved abominably, yelling and wriggling and refusing to sit down. In the end we got a new driver and he stopped the tram and came over and gave Zack a lolly. It managed to shut him up for a while. We got off at the Arts centre, in time to see it close. We headed over to Andy & Jo's place for dinner - they live in an area with mostly new houses (they call it a "sub division"). Their place is beautifully designed inside, well chosen paint job and a lovely kitchen area. Andy whipped up some dinner, and we had a great eve catching up with them.
1 comment:
Love that you guys are blogging your trip!
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